Collaborative Corner

Getting the most from your time with a pianist.
This post is for all of the students I’ve worked with over the years (and those to come) – to help YOU better understand how to effectively rehearse with a pianist. Let’s be honest – good pianists cost money, and the more time you need with them, the more money you spend. For young players who aren’t very accustomed to rehearsing and performing with a pianist, there are some valuable tools you can learn to make the most of that coveted time.

So . . . you need a pianist?
After requests to address this topic from SEVERAL friends and colleagues teaching at universities throughout the US, I’ve decided to post an informational guide on how to contact and procure a pianist – something I hope will be helpful for younger students.

Energy in Performance
Having just come back from the International Adolphe Sax Competition in Dinant Belgium – arguably THE largest and most prestigious saxophone competition in the world – I find myself both decompressing from 2 weeks of 24/7 exposure to saxophone, while simultaneously processing through the great performances I heard. And of course, I’m left asking myself “What makes someone memorable?”
The Life of a Collaborative Pianist
Coming soon!
All things interesting, informative, imaginative, impressive, illuminating, ingenius and inherent in the life of a collaborative pianist.